Dark Heresy of the Secundus Sector Wiki
Grot Blasta

Grot wielding a Grot Blasta.

Grot Blastas are run-down, second-hand, low-tech, dust-caked pieces of junk that usually take the form of old and puny pistols and rifles that the Orks would have scrapped otherwise. The only real reason Gretchin take them is because they are (slightly) better then going into battle unarmed. There is no standardization with blastas, as is the case with almost all Ork weapons, and they can take on a myriad of shapes and sizes.They may well be looted Imperial Stub guns, Autopistols or Laspistols

Section heading[]

Class Range RoF Dam Pen Clip Rld Special Wt Cost Avail
Pistol 10m S/2/6 1d10 0 20 Half Inaccurate, Unreliable 2.5Kg 50 Common/Plentiful

SB Requirement: 3

†Ork equipment is technically difficult to get hold of – after all, no right–minded Imperial arms trader would sell xenos technology, no matter how crude. Unofficially, there are parts of the Calixis Sector where it is much more plentiful, especially areas recently attacked by Orks. For this reason, via legitimate routes it counts as scarce, but via black market channels it is common. For some unkown reason, which even the Orks are not aware of, these weapons is not Unreliable in the hands of an Ork.

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